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Sasha's Jewels

202 Gumboro Road
Selbyville, DE 19975


By Appointment Only

202 Gumboro Rd, Selbyville, DE 19975, USA

Important Notice

I do not live in the structure next to the shop. It is a private residence and not associated with Sasha's Jewels. Please do not knock on the door or disturb the residents.

We are doing renovations to the property the parking will be marked soon, the entrance to Sasha's Jewels will be the first door on the sidewalk to the right, we are making changes to the landscaping and structure to make it more clear as to the entrance. Please bear with us while we do these changes. I generally stay later, sometimes I’m in earlier. Life happens, I’m taking care of my elderly mom, and I have other personal responsibilities for family members. I am a one-woman show right now with no employees. I will do my very best to accommodate your schedule.

If you want to be sure to see me personally, I can set a time for you. Appointments will be prioritized for my personal professional attention. If I have 2-5 people in at the same time, I simply won’t be able to give each person the attention that I would like to deliver. Please call or text for an appointment so I can set time aside for you. I look forward to seeing and serving you.

Thank you, Madeleine Sasha

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