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Quality Gems & Rocks in Delmarva

For over 40 years Sasha's Jewels, a professional gemologist and GIA graduate Madeleine Sasha has provided top-tier services for gems & rocks in Delmarva. Her years of study, skill, and experience make her uniquely qualified to handle your jewelry needs, providing services that are unmatched in the area.

Madeleine is passionate about bringing customers’ unique beauty to life, offering an excellent selection of gemstones, rock, and crystal jewelry perfect for their style. She offers everything from small and large fossils, geodes, meteorite impacted glass, and many more options that will suit you. Madeleine will guide you throughout your experience, helping you choose the right pieces. Whether you’re purchasing a gift for yourself or a loved one, Madeleine has the services necessary for attaining the best piece of jewelry.

Choose From the Finest Selection

If you desire a fine gemstone for a naturally beautiful look or a radiant crystal to shine everywhere you go, Madeleine has an item that will be perfect for you. Gemologist Madeleine Sasha is an alumnus of GIA, a world-renowned institute producing the finest gemologists in the country. With professional expertise, you’ll be able to buy, sell, repair, and restore your precious gemstones and crystals, revitalizing them and offering the fairest price point. If you’re in the market, Madeleine can help you:



Prepare to enhance your beauty and style with precious gemstones mined and sculpted from the earth's minerals.



Madeleine offers a wide selection of excellent rocks shaped and refined from the elements. Embrace nature with a selection of beautiful items.



A dazzling array of crystal jewelry is sure to bring shimmer and radiance to your unique style.

Enhance Your Style and Beauty

An excellent selection combined with expertise and knowledge makes Madeleine the optimal choice for your beauty and product quality. Whether you want to buy or sell your gemstones, crystals, or rock items, Madeleine has the tools, and capabilities necessary to deliver your needs at affordable price points. Professional gemologist Madeleine Sasha is passionate about her customers’ desires, and she ensures their complete satisfaction every time they visit the shop. Next time you’re in the market for precious jewelry, Madeleine will be here to provide the highest quality for you.

Contact Madeleine for an Exclusive Appointment