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Providing Quality Custom Jewelry in Delmarva

Sasha's Jewels provides superior services for custom jewelry in Delmarva. Whether you’re looking to replicate a lost piece or create an entirely original item for your unique style, bench mechanic Madeleine Sasha is fully equipped to bring your dream to life. She takes the time needed to perfect your piece, ensuring you receive a quality product crafted with careful, detail-oriented artistry. You can enjoy the shop’s vast array of mesmerizing jewels while Madeleine completes your piece. Madeleine is equipped to fulfill your unique vision regardless of its complexity.

Delivering the Jewels of Your Dreams

We understand the unique tastes of customers and what completes their sense of style and beauty. That’s why custom options are perfect for anyone looking to create necklaces, rings, or earrings inspired by their specific dreams, visions, and ideas. Whether you desire a handmade piece or a cutting-edge design from 3-D imaging, Madeleine has the tools and capabilities necessary to bring your unique piece to life. Madeleine can even customize a piece while you peruse the shop, making for a quick and easy process that delivers optimal beauty. Madeleine uses the following methods to customize jewelry.


Handmade Creations

Professional stone cutter Madeleine Sasha handcrafts the jewelry of your dreams. Madeleine has years of experience fitting stones into old mountings and crafting jewelry in various shapes and sizes.


3-D Design and Imaging

If you have a specific vision for the look of your next piece, Madeleine's state-of-the-art 3-D scanning and imagining can precisely bring it to life. Madeleine will design your piece via wax printing. Once you've approved the design, she'll proceed to create the item of your dreams.


Accurate Replicas

Do you have a family heirloom that all your family members want? Is your earring missing from its pair? If so, Madeleine provides quality replications of your jewelry, creating a virtually identical likeness to the original.

Artisan Craftsmanship for Your Satisfaction

Regardless of your specific needs, Madeleine applies the same artistic value and craftsmanship to your custom designs. Whether you need a customized silver piece, gemstone, rock, or crystal, she’s able to create your piece by hand or create accurate, nearly identical replicas. Madeleine’s services help those who’ve lost beloved jewelry pieces and those who want to have a spare custom piece for fun and enjoyment. She’s here to cater to your needs, tailoring services to your specific vision.

Contact Madeleine for an Exclusive Appointment